Tommaso Foti takes over from Fitto: the government again demonstrates speed and efficiency

A poche ore dall’inizio del mandato di Fitto in Ue, il Governo Meloni ha già scelto il sostituto. Segnale indiscusso di coesione e di competenza, smentiti i gufi

The news arrived during the morning, not denied but rather confirmed by the facts: Tommaso Foti was sworn in as the new minister for European Affairs, Cohesion Policies and the Pnrr. The deputy and group leader of Fratelli d’Italia in the Chamber, in short, succeeds Raffaele Fitto in all his delegations. Just today, the former minister began his term as executive vice-president of the European Commission. And very quickly, the confirmation of his replacement arrived. This is an unequivocal sign that, beyond possible, and indeed healthy, differences of views, the government knows how to take unambiguous decisions, and it knows how to take them in a very direct and decisive manner. The good work done by Fitto in terms of the use of European resources, Pnrr and Development and Cohesion Funds, which have relaunched the South, could not remain without a guide and a worthy replacement was immediately found.

The affair is reminiscent, no doubt, of what had already happened after the summer with the resignation of the former Minister of Culture, Gennaro Sangiuliano: in record time, in fact, the Meloni government found the right agreement to replace him with Alessandro Giuli. In that case too, the unity of the centre-right and the rapidity of the appointment had proven how efficient the government was at not getting lost, in that case, behind matters of gossip that the left was trying to ride to weaken it: the executive immediately showed itself strong, managing to find the right name and showing no hesitation.

Foti will continue Fitto’s good work

The same has happened now: the progressive newspapers had somehow tried to rant about Fitto’s replacement, explaining that the centre-right would be short of people capable of taking over. Instead, with the same celerity as last time, the Meloni government managed to dismantle the adversaries’ theses, demonstrating, in one fell swoop, the health that the centre-right coalition is experiencing, the unity of intent of the majority, the ease and speed with which certain decisions are taken. Finally, it demonstrated that the ruling class is there: Raffaele Fitto will also best represent Italian instances within the European Commission, he will continue to do the work already done in Italy. The delegations he obtained in Europe, Reforms and Cohesion, are moreover the same ones he enjoyed as minister. She is also certain that now, with the new minister Foti, the continuation of activities and the push towards other goals will continue in the same way with constancy and determination. The Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, is also certain of this: she describes Foti as ‘a militant, passionate and coherent man, who has dedicated his life to the service of his community and the nation from a very young age’ and says she is certain that ‘he will know how to work with the same determination and meticulousness. For the good of Italy and the Italians’.

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