Meloni, Trump, Milei. Italy, the United States, Argentina. Countries that are distant from each other, linked by a certain commonality of roots due to the large-scale migrations at the end of the 19th century. Three countries that have democratically chosen three strong leaders, who share common values and goals: above all, freedom, in all its forms. Starting with the economic one, with citizens who must not be considered subjects of the state’s taxation, but must be considered potential producers, possible creators of wealth, which is not blasphemy. Freedom in the personal, individual sphere: every man must be free to do and think what he wants. No one can impose a single thought on the other: in this context, woke theories, those that create new genres every minute and are considered unquestionable, dogmas, are the greatest enemies of freedom of expression. A sort of tyranny of our times, a tyranny calmed down, legalised by those who, in the name of diversity, do not allow dissent and objections that perhaps there is a blatant reality, this one, difficult to unhinge: nature has created only two sexes. And the return to the two sexes imposed by Donald Trump among the first acts of his American presidency, is just an awareness, a signal to the world of politics, which should guarantee justice and above all should not fall into provocations that risk fragmenting the population and weakening our society.
A New Alliance of Free Nations
The Argentine President, Javier Milei, announced that in this fight against the advancing nothingness, he has found valuable allies. “An international alliance of all those nations that want to be freehasbeen formed,” he said. And among the big names he mentions are: ‘The wonderful Elon Musk, the “fierce” Italian lady, my dear friend Giorgia Meloni, Bukele in El Salvador, Orbán in Hungary, Netanyahu in Israel and Donald Trump in the United States’. It is therefore ‘a new way of doing politics‘, based on reality, on truth. And it is no coincidence that, dwelling on the leaders we mentioned at the beginning of the article, each of them is destined to leave the country in a better condition than he found it. Starting with Trump, who – it is clear – at the end of his first administration has left a legacy of an America stronger economically and freer than Joe Biden has done in the last four years. Giorgia Meloni arrived in government at the end of the pandemic crisis with an economy in disarray, reduced to dust by the Pentastellati’s major failures, such as the Citizenship Income, Superbonus and wheelie banks, and has restored the most important macroeconomic data (employment, unemployment, the stock market, incomes, the poverty rate, exports) to record levels or at least to levels that predate the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy. Extraordinary results were also achieved by Milei in Argentina, who totally changed the features of his country, rebuilding it from the ashes left by the socialists: inflation went from 25% to 2% per month, the poverty rate dropped below 40%. It is the return to realpolitik that the West has ignored for too long, losing itself in abstractions and ideologies. The goal then is only one: ‘Make the West Great Again‘.