The agreement between Italy and Albania almost seems to have succeeded in removing the evergreen antifascist spectre from the mouths of the Dems and various comrades. It will never succeed, let’s be clear, but the protocol signed with Tirana is to all intents and purposes the new obsession of the left. All mobilised against the pact. Recruited all the anti-right soldiers the progressive world could offer: from politicians to trade unionists, from politicised judges to NGOs, omnipresent in influencing the policies of national and sovereign governments. The latest step, in chronological order, are the complaints to the Corte dei Conti filed at the end of October by deputies and senators of Italia Viva and Movimento Cinque Stelle. Strange that Angelo Bonelli’s name is not mentioned: he has great experience in exposés, but specialises in those in the Public Prosecutor’s Office.
The numbers speak
Let’s get serious again. Renziani and Contiani have appealed to the accounting judges for the alleged fiscal damage that the agreement would cause to Italy. The accusation is that the protocol is just a purely propagandistic move, a choice taken by the government only to show, according to them, that they are working on immigration. Needless to say, the data would be enough to demonstrate the executive’s excellent results: landings are down 60% compared to last year, repatriations are up 16% compared to 2023, when they were already up 30% compared to the previous year. It has to be said that the Left invents a new one every day. Accounts and waste had already been spoken about, for example, with regard to the policemen assigned to guard the two centres, the fault of the hotels deemed too expensive despite the fact that they are ordinary 4-star hotels. Now also the financial damage. But let’s take a look at the numbers: reception, the mere reception when those of the no-border theories were in government, cost the Italian coffers between 4 and 7 billion euro a year. The agreement with Albania, which will take migrants out of Italy while awaiting their repatriation (so they will never set foot in Italy), foresees an expenditure of around 800 million euro over five years, including the maintenance and management costs of the two facilities in Shengijn and Gjader. Small change, then, compared to our recent past.
But the real fiscal damage is another
It is no coincidence that it was the renziani of Italia Viva and the children of Vaffa-day who proposed the complaint, and not Elly Schlein’s dems, perhaps still dazed by when, in Parliament, Giorgia Meloni in person chastised Piero De Luca, son of the Campania governor/sheriff, who accused the government of fiscal damage: “In my opinion,” was the premier’s reply, “the fact that a regional president spends thousands of euros of citizens’ money to buy a page of the newspaper to tell himself just how good he is is constitutes fiscal damage. And again: ‘If you want we can quote the posters always paid for with citizens’ money, in this case I’m afraid with Cohesion Fund money, to say that the government is starving the South. That wasn’t propaganda, though, was it? The truth is that the agreement with Albania frightens everyone because by taking migrants away from Italy and the EU borders, the disincentive to leave Africa is very high and, potentially, the flows could come to a halt like never before. And while even the European left opens up to the model with interest, only the Italian left is left to put a spoke in the wheels. And not only to the government, let me be clear, but to all Italian citizens.