‘Make Europe Great Again’ is not a slogan, but a perspective. For it to be realised, it is necessary to start where the European Union has always failed: to translate its intentions and principles into an authentic, simple and immediate message by which patriots across Europe feel proudly represented.
A process undoubtedly accelerated by Donald Trump’s return to the White House which – for those who have not yet realised – is not producing a simple ‘change’, but has literally swept away the existing paradigm. This is not a subjective assessment, but an objective fact, substantiated by the realignment of major financial players in all strategic sectors.
Ergo, we are not in a changed context, but rather in a new context in which we have to measure ourselves by new rules in order – more importantly – to satisfy new needs.
Here, then, are the 10 points of our Manifesto, a contribution to playing this challenge that we cannot afford to lose:
1. Europe is not the European Union, the European Union is not Europe
European identity cannot be suffocated by a bureaucratic institution that has failed to guarantee growth, security and welfare to its citizens. The EU must once again become an instrument at the service of the nations, not the pachyderm as an end in itself that we know it.
2. Europe is founded on its Judeo-Christian roots and Greco-Roman culture
Our values are non-negotiable: anyone who wants to question them cannot have political or social citizenship in Europe. We must fight the ethical relativism and woke ideology with which the left, globalists and the mainstream media have tried to replace our values. Our cultural identity is under attack and only by proudly reaffirming our roots can we defend freedom, the sanctity of life and respect for the individual.
3. Europe supports and defends freedom of opinion and fights censorship
Any attempt to impose single thinking through censorship, media campaigns or digital boycotts must be rejected. Democracy is based on the confrontation of ideas, not on the repression of those who dissent.
4. Europe is a collection of sovereign peoples, not a technocratic project
European citizens must be able to freely choose their own destiny through strong and autonomous national governments, without interference from unelected and disconnected bodies.
5. Europe defends its borders and recognises the failure of multiculturalism imposed by the Left
Uncontrolled immigration has destroyed entire communities, increased crime and generated social tensions. Europe belongs to those who love it and share its values. Those who do not recognise themselves in our civilisation can safely return to their homes.
6. Digital sovereignty and innovation: Europe must regain control over Big Tech and create a favourable environment for innovation
We cannot allow the fate of European citizens’ information, communication and personal data to be decided in California or Beijing, as has happened in the recent past. Policies are needed to guarantee digital sovereignty, prevent ideological censorship, and attract investment to create European unicorns. To compete with the current web giants, an asymmetrical approach is indispensable: the accumulated disadvantage is too great, we cannot win by playing by their rules, we must create new ones, focusing on innovation, quality and technological independence.
7. Deregulation: less regulation, more economic freedom
An economy suffocated by red tape is an economy destined to lose. Today, too many rules equals too many taxes and an unsustainable waste of resources that companies have to devote to compliance instead of growth and competitiveness. Radical regulatory simplification is needed to unlock Europe’s production potential.
8. Giorgia Meloni is the leader of European conservatives and patriots
Giorgia Meloni is the reference point for all those who want to change Europe and overturn the current bankrupt paradigm imposed by globalist elites. Her leadership, together with that of Donald Trump in the US, is the key to reaffirming the values of identity, sovereignty and freedom against technocracy and cultural relativism. With the support of European patriots, he can lead the conservative revolution that Europe needs.
9. Stop the Green Deal and ideological sustainability
Sustainability cannot be a religion imposed by bureaucrats disconnected from economic and social reality. The Green Deal and ESG criteria have stifled European companies, increasing production costs and making global competition impossible. Who has benefited? Multinationals relocating to countries like China, Bangladesh and India, where sustainability exists neither environmentally nor ethically, with exploited workers and no protection for human rights. By virtue of this, our companies are already infinitely more sustainable than those producing in these countries. However, the current system is not only killing domestic production as collateral damage, it is also destroying small local traders in favour of the large single-brand chains of multinationals. This process of imposed homologation must be stopped by defending the productive and commercial realities that are the economic and social soul of Europe.
10. A strong society values the traditional family as the founding cell of society
We do not need welfare measures, but conditions that make it desirable and feasible to form a family. A prosperous society is one that protects and values the traditional family, which should no longer be attacked and vilified, but recognised as the foundation of the community. With a sound economy, more security and less bureaucracy, citizens will naturally choose to build large families. Only by strengthening this pillar can we ensure a solid and stable future for Europe.
I always felt it was a necessity to write a first version of this Manifesto, all the more so after participating as a correspondent of La Voce del Patriota in the first day of work of ‘MEGA 2025 – Defending Western values in the European Parliament’, a convention organised by the ECR in Brussels.
The event confirmed that the battle for freedom and the future of Europe is far from lost. On the contrary, the growth of patriotic movements across the continent shows that more and more citizens are realising the need for radical change.
Giorgio Almirante was exactly right: ‘Europe either goes to the right, or it doesn’t.’ The time has come to choose sides. Either we take back our future, or we will be condemned to become a province of the new global order. And we, European patriots, have already made our choice.